Car Price Quote: Negotiate by knowing exactly what you should pay.
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By Joe Giunta http://www.about-online-loans.com
August 17, 2001

Car Price Quote: Negotiate by knowing exactly what you should pay.

Thinking about buying a new car? Don't let your car dealer take you for a ride. Make sure that before you purchase your next vehicle you know exactly what is considered a good car price quote.

The first step to getting the best car price quote is finding out exactly what type of vehicle you want to purchase. Use the power of the web to find the type of automobile that is suited for you. There are many resources for you listed on this site.

Next, figure out what the dealer invoice is for the vehicle. The dealer invoice is what the dealer pays the factory for an automobile. This information is readily available online. Try one of our partner web sites for this information.

Calculating the best car price quote

Now that you know what the dealer pays, its time to negotiate! The car price that you want to pay should NOT be more than 2 percent above the dealer invoice. This means that if a car is listed for $22,000 and the dealer invoice is $20,000 you should not pay anymore than $20,400 or 2 percent above invoice.

Its amazing that many car salesmen will try and sell you a vehicle way above the retail price, or for the exact retail price. Never fall for this trick. Remember that if a dealer refuses to negotiate, there is always another dealer that will.

My suggestion is to shop around the best way possible, ONLINE. Today there are so many web sites that will provide a new car price quote; you never have to leave home until you find the right price.







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